Monday, June 28, 2010

Detail About Maithil Bramins

Maithil Brahmins ( Brāhamaṇas is the correct Sanskrit term) form part of ancient Vedic Brahmins. Maithil Brāhamaṇas are a part of Panch-gauda Pañchgauḍa , a group of highest ranking castes among Brahmins, who still strive to follow rites and rituals according to ancient Hindu canons.[citation needed] Maithil Brahmin is a community of highly cohesive, and traditional Brahmins.[citation needed] They are reputated for orthodoxy and interest in learning.[citation needed] Most of them live in and around Mithila, which is a portion of North Bihar and few districts of South-east Bihar up to Godda and Deoghar in Jharkhand of India plus adjoining Terai regions of Nepal.[citation needed] Mithila was the name of capital of the ancient kingdom of legendary King Janak.[citation needed] Most of them are Śāktas (worshippers of Śakti) and love Choora-dahi (Beaten rice - Curd), Sugar, Pickle, Mangoes and discussions and debate.[citation needed] Maithili is their mother tongue, though many use Angika (a southern variant of Maithili) as their mother tongue.[citation needed]
They have four hierarchically ordered divisions: Śrotiya, Yogya or Joga, Panjibaddha (Pāinj in Maithili) and Jayawāra or Jaibar (which can be divided into Grihastha and Vamśa according to some scholars).[citation needed] They have no further endogamous divisions but observe a complicated rules for marriage, each of these four divisions may take a wife from the group below it.[citation needed]They are organized into named patrilineal groupings, and the genealogical links within and between these groupings has been an essential feature of Maithil Brahman social life for centuries. A class of genealogists known as panjikaras maintain records of the lineages and marriage links between them for the higher ranking lineages.


  1. Very Rich in Culture and Tradition, are Jha from Maithil Brahmins family.

    1. Yes jha is maithil brahmin surname .It has came from upadhya (teacher) .
